Pari Livermore

Learn Helpful Advice on Relationships


‘This book help you look for ‘what really matters’ to find a good man. If you focus too much on the material things you might let a great guy pass you buy and have regrets tomorrow. I would recommend this to anyone who is currently dating and looking for Mr. Right. Inspiring and helpful!’
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Why Charity Work is Important

In her charity work Pari organizes and produces such events as the Red and White Ball, the Mentor’s Lunch, the Fall Fair, the Points of Light Celebration and to providing scholarships for outstanding students at The Minnie Cannon School in Middletown, California. Every year a different organization benefits from Pari’s endeavors and every year her knowledge of the nonprofit industry increases because of the close contact her work brings to them.

Pari Livermore was the host of Everybody’s Angels, a show that focused on the extraordinary people who volunteer and go beyond the norms of society in helping others. Pari Livermore has worked tirelessly to support people who do good work.

Learn Helpful Advice on Relationships and Dating

Click on the thumbnails below to read some helpful tips from How to Marry a Fabulous Man.